Retro Passion Project

Giving a Gift of Retro Awesomeness!

We are living in a great time of retro handhelds and retro gaming nostalgia! I’ve been into retro gaming for awhile, and I’ve thought/been thinking of ways I can give back… See below for current options I’m working on/doing, and if you feel like jumping on the sleigh (see what I did there?!) you’re more than welcome to help donate to the cause.

Options to Help Donate Towards:

What if you were stuck in the hospital over the holidays?!
It sucks when your kid (or you as a kid) gets stuck at the hospital over Christmas or the holidays. I know I’m biased of course being into retro, but what if they could have a way to take their mind off off things, and experience some old-school retro game goodness?!

Disclaimer & Receipts of Donations

This is a passion project of mine, and until further notice, it’s just me and my friend. Links/pages with info listed above. If you would like to help and donate toward the Retro Passion Project, please know that you will receive a receipt of your donation from the platform used above (ie Paypal, etc), and how it was used (if possible). The email address listed on the donation will be used for the notice.

I completey understand the risks of sending money over the internet, so that is why the above is what I will provide for anyone that is willing to donate towards this Passion Project.